Research Article

Reevaluating the Role of Acanthamoeba Proteases in Tissue Invasion: Observation of Cytopathogenic Mechanisms on MDCK Cell Monolayers and Hamster Corneal Cells

Table 2

Summary of proteolytic activities detected through SDS-PAGE gels copolymerized with gelatin in total extracts (TE) and conditioned medium (CM) from of A. castellanii and A. polyphaga. The majority of proteases were inhibited 100% with PMSF (1 mM), only two of them were partially inhibited (*).

100% inhibition of proteases
PMSF (1 mM)

TE, CM 120CM 39*
CM 97
TE, CM 66
TE, CM 64
CM 57
A. castellanii CM 55
CM 50
CM 47
CM 45
CM 40
CM 38

TE, CM 120
CM 97
CM 66
CM 64
A. polyphaga CM 57
TE 55TE 58*
CM 50
CM 40
CM 38