Review Article

From the Mediterranean to the Sea of Japan: The Transcontinental Odyssey of Autoinflammatory Diseases

Table 3

The clinical features of tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic fever syndrome.

GeneTNFRSF1A (12p13)
InheritanceAutosomal dominant
Protein encoded p55 receptor of tumor necrosis factor
OnsetInfancy or adolescence
FeverOver 39°C
Recurring at least 2–6 times each year
Absent in a subset of patients
Duration of fever episodes Prolonged (from 1 week to 4 weeks)
Gastrointestinal signsSevere abdominal pain, vomiting, and constipation
Rash featuresErythematous and migratory (with centrifugal trend)
Cellulitis-like plaques and serpiginous patches
Muscular signsFocal myositis, monocytic fasciitis
Cramping muscular pain
Migratory (with centrifugal trend)
Joint involvement Arthralgia, tenosynovitis
Ocular signsPeriorbital edema, aseptic painful conjunctivitis, and uveitis
Serosal signsPleuritis, pericarditis
Major complicationAmyloidosis of AA type
Serum marker in the interfebrile phaseSoluble TNF receptor (TNFRSF1A) lower than 1 ng/mL
TreatmentInterleukin-1 antagonists