Clinical Study

Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy in Context of Other Complications of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Table 1

Normal, borderline, and abnormal values of cardiac autonomic function tests.


Tests for investigation of parasympathetic function
 (1) HR variation (R-R interval variation) during deep breathing (max-min HR) (beats/min)>1511–14<10
 (2) HR response to Valsalva manoeuvre (Valsalva ratio)≥1.21≤1.20
 (3) HR response to standing up (30 : 15 ratio)≥1.041.01–1.03≤1.00
Tests for the investigation of sympathetic function
 (1) BP response to standing (fall in SBP) (mmHg)≤10
 (2) BP response to sustained handgrip (rise in DBP) (mmHg)≥1611–15≤10

HR: heart rate, BP: blood pressure, SBP: systolic blood pressure, and DBP: diastolic blood pressure.