Research Article

Leptin Modulates Norepinephrine-Mediated Melatonin Synthesis in Cultured Rat Pineal Gland

Figure 1

Expression of Ob-Rb mRNA in male rat pineal gland. (a) In vivo qualitative expression of Ob-Rb mRNA, pool of six (6) pineal glands harvested in the middle of the dark phase. Data presented as arbitrary units. (b) Real-Time RT PCR analysis of in vivo and in vitro Ob-Rb mRNA expression in the rat pineal gland. Data are reported as the number of transcripts per number of ribosomal protein L37a (Rpl37a) molecules. Student’s t-test, unpaired, and two-tailed, versus in vivo. glands/group and each experiment was repeated 3 times.