Research Article

In Vitro and In Vivo Survival and Colonic Adhesion of Pediococcus acidilactici MTCC5101 in Human Gut

Figure 2

2% agarose gel showing 323 bp DNA fragment amplified using plasmids from fecal samples (a) M: marker pUC 19/Msp Digest, C(+): positive control, Lane 1–10: 5th day samples, C(−): negative control. (b) M: marker pUC 19/Msp digest, C(+): positive control, lane 1–10: 10th day’s samples, C(−): Negative control. (c) M: Marker pUC 19/Msp Digest, C(+): Positive control, Lane 1–10: 20th day’s samples, C(−): negative control. (d) M: marker pUC 19/Msp Digest, C(+): positive control, lane 1–10: 30th day’s samples, C(−): negative control.