Research Article

Obesity, Insulin Resistance, and Metabolic Syndrome: A Study in WNIN/Ob Rats from a Pancreatic Perspective

Figure 6

Gene expression (semiquantitative and real-time PCR) mRNA levels for (a) Insulin-1 were increased in Mutants with age as compared to their phenotypes. However (b) Pdx-1 expression was downregulated with age (1 > 6 > 12 months). Gel images have been represented for (a) Insulin-1 and (b) Pdx-1. In line with semiquantitative data, mRNA transcripts were upregulated for (c) Insulin-1 in Mutants with age as compared to their phenotypes. In similar lines (d) Pdx-1 expression was downregulated with age (1 > 6 > 12 months). The values have been represented as against Control. Statistical significance ( by ANOVA) has been represented as compared to Control by an asterisk (*) and as compared to younger age by ($).