Clinical Study

Microbiological Profile of Adenoid Hypertrophy Correlates to Clinical Diagnosis in Children

Figure 2

Histopathologic representation of the respiratory epithelium in adenoid specimens of patients from OME and RAOM groups. (A1) At low magnification, regular columnar epithelium can be detected (black arrow, H.E.). (A2) Higher magnification view of the previous section. Black arrow indicates intact ciliated cells. (A3) Biofilm structures cannot be detected on the surface of epipharyngeal epithelium (Gram). (A4) Higher magnification view of the previous section. (B1) The epithelial layer is disintegrated and covered by a thick eosinophilic structure (black arrow, H.E.). (B2) At higher magnification, biofilm layer is a well identifiable structure (black arrow). (B3) Gram staining reveals a bacterial biofilm consisted of individual colonies of Gram-positive cocci (black arrow). (B4) Higher magnification view of the previous section. White arrow indicates Gram-positive cocci in a chain-pattern of streptococci.