Research Article

Autophagy and Human Parturition: Evaluation of LC3 Expression in Placenta from Spontaneous or Medically Induced Onset of Labor

Table 1

Clinical characteristics and autophagy.

Spontaneous labor Induced labor

Maternal age (years)
Gestational age (weeks)
Maternal pre-pregnancy BMI (kg/m2)
Neonatal birth weight (grams)
Placental weight (grams)
F/P ratio
Placental surface (mm2)
Time to parturition (minutes)
BE (mmol/L)
Lac (mmol/L)
pO2 (mmHg)
pCO2 (mmHg)
Glu (mmol/L)
LC3-II/ -tubulin (ODu mm2)

BMI: body mass index; F/P ratio: ratio between fetal weight at birth and placental weight; BE: base excessl Lac: lactate; Glu: glucose; ODu: optical density unit.
P = 0.03 versus spontaneous labor.