Research Article

Enhanced Production of Acarbose and Concurrently Reduced Formation of Impurity C by Addition of Validamine in Fermentation of Actinoplanes utahensis ZJB-08196

Figure 6

Time courses of acarbose accumulation, maltose and glucose consumption, cell growth, and impurity C formation during fed-batch cultivation of A. utahensis ZJB-08196 with the addition of validamine at a final concentration of 20 mg/L in fermentation medium prior to inoculation. Symbols: ■: acarbose; ▲: impurity C; •: DCW; □: maltose; ○: glucose. Fermentations were carried at 28°C and 200 rpm for 216 h. Twice feedings indicated by the arrows; feed volume 5 mL; feed composition: 14.0 g/L maltose, 6.0 g/L glucose, and 9.0 g/L soybean meal.