Clinical Study

Different Impact of Pretransplant Anti-HLA Antibodies Detected by Luminex in Highly Sensitized Renal Transplanted Patients

Table 2

Univariable study of risk factors of acute rejection in HS group.

Acute rejectionNon rejection
( )( )

Age of donor (years, mean ± SD)40 ± 942 ± 50.5
Age of recipient (years, mean ± SD)44 ± 1043 ± 130.8
Number of transplant (0/1/2/3)0/9/3/11/8/1/00.4
HLA mismatch (median, IQR)4 (4-5)4 (4-5)0.7
DCD* (%)54%50%0.6
Cold ischemia time (hours, mean ± SD)18 ± 619 ± 70.7
Maximum PRA83 ± 1965 ± 250.07
Current PRA46 ± 3525 ± 240.2
PRA class I 69 ± 2481 ± 140.3
PRA class II44 ± 3328 ± 330.3
Pre-transplant DSA (%)10 (77%)3 (30%)0.03
MFI** of DSA (mean ± SD)6188 ± 16705824 ± 25330.8

DCD: donation after cardiac death.
MFI: mean fluorescence intensity.