Research Article

Coefficient of Energy Balance: Effective Tool for Early Differential Diagnosis of CNS Diseases

Table 1

Reference ranges of selected parameters of basic CSF examination (determined at our laboratory) [3, 4, 1721].


Energy metabolism



Number of leukocytes0–4/1 µL
Cytological compositionLymphocyte : monocyte = 7 : 3

Permeability of blood-CSF barrier

Total proteinCSF (TPCSF)0–2 weeks450.0–1090.0 mg/L
2–4 weeks510.0–1010.0
1–3 months240.0–650.0
3–6 months230.0–370.0
6–12 months170.0–350.0
1–10 years160.0–310.0
11–18 years160.0–400.0
19–40 years240.0–490.0
41–50 years270.0–600.0
51–60 years290.0–670.0
61–70 years260.0–790.0

Albumin quotient ( )
= [albuminCSF]/[albuminblood]
0–2 weeks5.6–23.2
2–4 weeks7.6–16.4
1–3 months2.3–10.6
3–6 months2.0–4.8
6–12 months1.4–4.5
1–10 years1.0–4.5
11–18 years1.0–5.0
19–30 years1.7–5.7
31–40 years1.8–6.2
41–50 years2.0–7.2
51–60 years2.1–8.9
61–70 years2.2–9.9

Inflammatory activity

Intrathecal synthesis-IgG (Reiber)0%
Intrathecal synthesis-IgA (Reiber)0%
Intrathecal synthesis-IgM (Reiber)0%