Research Article

Digestibility and IgE-Binding of Glycosylated Codfish Parvalbumin

Figure 1

Modification of parvalbumin. (a) SDS-PAGE analysis of parvalbumin. M: marker, indicated in left margin in kDa. Lane 1: native; Lane 2: 5-hour glycosylated; Lane 3: 12-hour glycosylated; Lane 4: 24-hour glycosylated; lane 5: as lane 4 with double amount of protein loaded; Lane 6: 48-hour glycosyated; lane 7: as lane 6 with double amount of protein loaded. (b) Degree of modification determined via free lysine analysis. Number of modified lysine residues per mole of parvalbumin after reaction with glucose (black line), sucrose (grey line), and nontreated (dashed line). Lines of nontreated parvalbumin and sucrose-treated parvalbumin lines are at zero and overlaid. Standard deviations are <0.02 and not plotted.