Clinical Study

2-Hour Postload Serum Glucose Levels and Maternal Blood Pressure as Independent Predictors of Birth Weight in “Appropriate for Gestational Age” Neonates in Healthy Nondiabetic Pregnancies

Table 1

Maternal anthropometrics and biochemical measures.

Mean ± standard deviationNormal values

Maternal parameters
 Age years
 Initial BMI (Kg/m2)
 BMI at late gestation (Kg/m2)
 Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 90–1191
 Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 70–791
 Parity (no. of pregnancies)
 Gestational period (weeks) 38–42
 Maternal weight gain (Kg)
  Normal weight women:
  BMI > 18.5 ( )
  Obese: BMI > 30 ( ) 6.8–11.32
 Fasting glucose (mmol/L) <5.13
 2 hr postload glucose (mmol/L) <7.83
 Triglycerides (mmol/L) <1.73
 LDL-C (mmol/L) <2.63
 HDL-C (mmol/L) >1.33
Infant characteristics
 Neonatal birth weight (weight Kg) 2.5–44
 Males (weight Kg) ( ) 2.5–44
 Females (weight Kg) ( )

There are no established differences between neonate males and females at birth.
NSNo significant differences were found between neonate males and females at birth in this study.
1[51], 2[35], 3[52], and 4[34].