Clinical Study

Measurement of the Silver Ion Concentration in Wound Fluids after Implantation of Silver-Coated Megaprostheses: Correlation with the Clinical Outcome

Table 2

Infection group: clinical course prior to the implantation of a silver-coated megaprosthesis.

Patient no.Days until clinically definite infectionPathogen of the infectionRevision operationsDays of hospitalization prior to SMP implantationDays after SMP implantation

136Staph. epi.76631
218Enterobacter cloacae, Staph. epi.54831
315Staph. epi.127344
440Staph. epi, Enterococcus faec., Corynebacterium722792
518Staph. epi, Enterococcus faec.57424
613Staph. epi.44727
78Enterobacter cloacae56034
814Not demonstrable2754
912Enterococcus faec.710523
109Not demonstrable2145

Staph: Staphylococcus; epi: epidermidis; feac: faecalis; SMP: silver-coated megaprosthesis.