Research Article

Identifying Cell Class Specific Losses from Serially Generated Electroretinogram Components

Figure 1

ERG analysis: saturated ERG components arising from the rod through pathway. (a) Schematic of retinal cytoarchitecture showing rod photoreceptors, bipolar, and ganglion cells with relevant interneurons (AII amacrine and cone bipolar (CBC)). (b) a-wave was modelled with a delayed Gaussian over an ensemble of two luminous energies (1.22 and 1.52 log cd·s·m−2) to derive (PIIIamp). The time to reach 80% trough amplitude was taken as the implicit time (PIIIit). (c) To isolate rod responses, a paired flash paradigm was implemented, and the rod waveform was derived following subtraction of cone from mixed waveforms. (d) Rod PII waveform was derived by subtracting the modelled PIII (Panel (b)) from rod isolated waveforms (Panel (c)). Rod PII implicit time was taken at 80% of maximal amplitude (PIIit). (e) STR amplitude was measured at the peak (pSTRamp) and trough (nSTRamp). STR implicit time was taken at 80% of maximal amplitude (pSTRit, nSTRit). (f) Analysis undertaken on components at their saturated response. Energy-response functions illustrate that, for photoreceptor (PIII, white circles) and bipolar cell (PII, grey circles), this occurs at 1.52 log cd·s·m−2 and for ganglion cell (pSTR, black circles) at −5.26 log cd·s·m−2.