Review Article

Class A -Lactamases as Versatile Scaffolds to Create Hybrid Enzymes: Applications from Basic Research to Medicine

Table 1

Properties of the different BHPs discussed in this review.

Hybrid proteins ref InsertEffect on stability ( —kJ·mol−1)Effects on the β-lactamase activityFunction of the insert
Name + sizeInsertion site

[14, 15]
18 AA
37, 195, 197, 198, 206, 216, 218, 232 and 260NDInsertion at positions 37, 198, and 206: ND
Insertion at position 195: no loss of activity
Insertion at positions 197, 216, 232, and 260: partial loss of activity

9 AA
197NDNo loss of activityBinding to anti-HA mab:
= 0.68 nM

72 AA
197~3.2No loss or partial loss of activity depending on the substrateBinding to chitin:
= 5.4 ± 0.5 L g−1
Thb-ChBD-Thb197NDPartial loss of activityBinding to chitin

CD22/C2C3 202 AA197NDActivity detected but not quantifiedBinding to mab 8015:
= 26.2 ± 1.4 nM

PolyQ tracts
23Q-30Q-55Q and 79Q
197~7.6–8.8No loss of activityPolyQ tracts longer than a threshold trigger the aggregation of BHPs into amyloid fibrils

The name of the BHPs, the name of the insert, its size, and function are indicated. The effects of the insertion on the stability and on the enzymatic activity of the β-lactamase are also reported. ND: not determined.