Clinical Study

Role of Color Doppler Imaging in Early Diagnosis and Prediction of Progression in Glaucoma

Figure 2

(a) Transverse color Doppler image that demonstrates the location of the ophthalmic artery (OA), medial to the optic nerve (ON), and the typical OA waveform obtained by pulsed Doppler that shows a sharp systolic peak, a dicrotic notch, and a relatively little flow in diastole. (b) Transverse color Doppler image showing the central retinal artery (CRA) and central retinal vein (CEV) in the center of the ON. The typical waveforms for central retinal vessels show the CRA curve above the zero axis (with rounded systolic peak and continuous flow during diastole) and the CRV below the zero axis (with low and continuous flow). (c) Transverse color Doppler image that demonstrates the posterior ciliary arteries (PCSAs) in the retrobulbar fat. The typical PCAs waveform obtained by pulsed Doppler shows a blunted systolic peak and a low to moderate flow velocity during diastole.