Review Article

Hyperpolarization-Activated Current, , in Mathematical Models of Rabbit Sinoatrial Node Pacemaker Cells

Figure 1

Characteristics of the hyperpolarization-activated current ( ) in single pacemaker cells isolated from the rabbit sinoatrial node. (a) Current trace (blue) in response to a voltage clamp step from a holding potential of −40 mV to a test potential of −130 mV (inset). activates during the 2-s step (step current) and deactivates during the subsequent step to −40 mV (tail current). Horizontal arrows indicate the capacitive transient. (b) Fully activated current, normalized to membrane capacitance, as derived from the tail current amplitude at potentials ranging between −110 and 0 mV. The red line is the linear fit to the experimental data. (c) Normalized steady-state activation derived from the tail current amplitude observed upon test potentials between −120 and −30 mV. The red curve is the Boltzmann fit to the experimental data. (d) Time constant of activation (filled circles) and deactivation (filled squares). The red curve is a bell-shaped fit to the experimental data (see text). All membrane potential values are corrected for the estimated liquid junction potential.