Review Article

Hyperpolarization-Activated Current, , in Mathematical Models of Rabbit Sinoatrial Node Pacemaker Cells

Figure 3

Kinetics of the channel in mathematical models of the hyperpolarization-activated current in rabbit sinoatrial node pacemaker cells. ((a), (b)) Steady-state value (a) and time constant (b) of the gating variable in the single-gate models by DiFrancesco and Noble [70], Dokos et al. [74], and Zhang et al. [75], as indicated. ((c), (d)) Steady-state value (c) and time constant (d) of the gating variable in the two-gate models by van Ginneken and Giles [39], Demir et al. [76], Kurata et al. [77], Maltsev and Lakatta [66], and Severi et al. [67], as indicated. ((e), (f)) Steady-state values for each of the five states (e) and time constants for each of the four transitions (f) in the five-state model by Sarai et al. [78].