Clinical Study

Urinary IgG and α2-Macroglobulin Are Powerful Predictors of Outcome and Responsiveness to Steroids and Cyclophosphamide in Idiopathic Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis with Nephrotic Syndrome

Table 1

Baseline clinical characteristics of 38 patients with FSGS and NS.

No. of patients38 Range

Age (yrs)39 ± 1814–80
Sex (M/F)21/17
eGFR (mL/min/1.73 m2) 80 ± 3130–123
eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m229%
BP ≥140/90 mmHg55%
Serum albumin2.26 ± 0.720.98–3.76
24 hP 8.5 ± 5.73.5–32.7
UP/C 6111 ± 4246253–20283
α2m/C3.4 ± 5.20–18.7
FE IgG 0.091 ± 0.1120.003–0.534
FE α1m 0.305 ± 0.2600.007–0.945
No. of glomeruli in RB (no. 35)14 ± 66–32
GGS%7 ± 100–37
TID score2.0 ± 1.50–6
SS%21 ± 155–70
Overall follow-up (mths)96 ± 6712–236
Follow-up of pts. without ESRD115 ± 6324–236

eGFR: estimated GFR; BP: blood pressure; 24 hP: 24 hour proteinuria; UP/C: urinary protein/creatinine ratio; α2m/C: urinary α2m/creatinine ratio; FE IgG: fractional excretion of IgG; FE α1m: fractional excretion of α1-microglobulin; RB: renal biopsy; GGS: global glomerular sclerosis; TID score: tubulointerstitial damage score; SS: segmental sclerosis.