Research Article

Immune Modulating Capability of Two Exopolysaccharide-Producing Bifidobacterium Strains in a Wistar Rat Model

Figure 1

Cytokines measured in blood (plasma) samples of Wistar rats fed for 24 days with vehicle (100 μL of skimmed milk, V group) or 109 cfu per day of B. animalis subps. lactis IPLA-R1 (B1 group) or B. longum IPLA-E44 (B2 group). The control rats were not submitted to the intervention study (C group). For each cytokine, the box and whiskers plot represents median, interquartile range and minimum and maximum values obtained from 8 rats per group. The nonparametric Mann-Whitney test for two independent samples was used to compare each treatment group with the control, and differences are indicated with asterisks ( , ). Additionally, the same test was used to assess differences among the treatment groups compared two by two. In this case, treatment groups that do not share the same letter are statistically different ( ).