Research Article

Essential Functional Modules for Pathogenic and Defensive Mechanisms in Candida albicans Infections

Figure 4

The functional modules composed of 380 zebrafish proteins found to be significant for defensive mechanisms in the infection process. This figure shows a differential PPI network constructed from 380 infection-significant zebrafish proteins and their interactions. Red and blue edges indicate positive and negative values, respectively, calculated using (2). The orange nodes represent significant proteins, that is, proteins with SVV values ≤ 0.05. There were ten enriched zebrafish functional modules occurring in host-pathogen interactions, including those underlying immune response, apoptosis mechanism, ion transport, protein secretion, hemostasis-related processes, signal transduction, transcription-related processes, embryonic morphogenesis and development, metabolism and catabolism, and other processes. The functional modules marked with blue circles were investigated in this study. The figure was created using Cytoscape plugin Cerebral [18, 19]. The protein names have been omitted for simplicity.