Research Article

msiDBN: A Method of Identifying Critical Proteins in Dynamic PPI Networks

Algorithm 1

Multisource integrated deep belief nets (msiDBNs).
Input: nd order of adjacency matrices of dynamic networks
   and learning rate ;
Output: Weight matrices , bias for each network
    and bias for top common layer ;
 (1) Initialize Weight matrices , and
 (2) repeat
 (3)  repeat
 (4)   pick up the samples of proteins at all time points;
 (5)    for all hidden units   do
 (6)   compute using (14);
 (7)   sample from ;
 (8)    end for
 (9)    for all   in   do
 (10)   compute using (13);
 (11)    sample from ;
 (12)   end for
 (13)   for all hidden units   do
 (14)   compute using (14);
 (15)   end for
 (16) until for all samples in
 (17)   ;
 (18)   ;
 (19)   ;
 (20) until all parameters are converged