Research Article

An Unsupervised Approach to Predict Functional Relations between Genes Based on Expression Data

Table 3

Richness of binding sites in the promoters of the module genes corresponding to 10 different transcription factors.

CIDSizeTFNumber of Promo. (PRIMA) -valueKnown regulatory relations (YEASTRACT)

398YP00066 [SFP1]58 98
595M00213 [RAP1]55 93
7218YP00036 [MBP1]10 12
15511M00169 [HSF]7 11
2308YP00068 [SIP4]5 4
2278YP00064 [RPN4]8 8
7253M00064 [PHO4]3 3
2597YP00076 [STB1]5 2
7363YP00013 [DAL82]3 0
2338YP00043 [MSN4]8 7