Research Article

Rapid and Sensitive PCR-Dipstick DNA Chromatography for Multiplex Analysis of the Oral Microbiota

Table 4

Semiquantification of five given bacteria in 16 supragingival plaque samples.

12345678Number of positive  samples (%)9 1011Number of positive  samples (%)12 13 141516Number of positive  samples (%)Number of positive samples for all subjects (%)
Low DMFT                    Moderate DMFT                       High DMFT
000001223 448 10 121212

S. mutans 10211010310101027 (87.5)10 1013 (100)1 10 102102105 (100)15 (93.8)
S. sobrinus 0 (0.0)0 (0.0) 1051 (20.0)1 (6.3)
S. wiggsiae 1051032 (25.0)0 (0.0) 1031042 (40.0)4 (25.0)
Actinomyces species1051061051061061061051058 (100)106 1061053 (100)105 106 1051051065 (100)16 (100)
V. parvula 1041051041041051051031048 (100) 1021022 (66.7)105 102 1041041025 (100)15 (93.8)

Number of positive bacterial species233343342 333 3 543