Research Article

Impaired Intestinal Mucosal Barrier upon Ischemia-Reperfusion: “Patching Holes in the Shield with a Simple Surgical Method”

Table 4

Small intestine mucosal ROS concentration of the three experimental groups measured by luminol-dependent chemiluminescence response.

Measured parameter

ROS-induced luminol chemiluminescence (RLU%)Duodenum

Small intestine mucosal ROS content induces luminol chemiluminescence. The light intensity is proportional to the concentration of ROS in the sample. Results are expressed as means ± SD; in each group. One-way analysis of variance was used for comparison of all groups. The difference between the groups by Scheffe’s post hoc test: (††): versus sham-group; ( ): versus IR-group.
IR: ischemia-reperfusion; PC: postconditioning; RLU: relative light unit, an arbitrary unit of chemiluminescence measurement.