Research Article

The Prognostic Values of Leukocyte Rho Kinase Activity in Acute Ischemic Stroke

Table 4

A multivariate analysis by Cox proportional hazard model for predictors of recurrent stroke during follow-up.

ParametersHazard Ratio (95% CI) value

Entire ischemic stroke patient cohort ( )
 hsCRP1.214 (1.068–1.381)0.003
 Leukocyte ROCK activity1.828 (0.536–6.289)0.338
Atherosclerotic stroke patient cohort ( )
 hsCRP1.351 (1.056–1.728)0.017
 Leukocyte ROCK activity 5.207 (1.200–22.584)0.028

hsCRP: high sensitive C-reactive protein; ROCK: Rho kinase.