Research Article

Decreased Fast Ripples in the Hippocampus of Rats with Spontaneous Recurrent Seizures Treated with Carbenoxolone and Quinine

Figure 4

Graphs show the mean number of spontaneous FR events (spontaneous FRs ± SEM) and the oscillation cycles per spontaneous FR, as well as the mean frequency (Hz), before (1), during (2), and at different times after NaCl (NaCl, 0.9%), CBX (50 nmoles), and quinine (35 pmoles) administration (3, 30–45 min; 4, 150–165 min) in the regions studied: right anterior hippocampus (RAH) and right posterior hippocampus (RPH). A significant decrease in FR number was provoked by CBX and quinine administration in the RAH and RPH (; ).