Research Article

tasiRNA-ARF Pathway Moderates Floral Architecture in Arabidopsis Plants Subjected to Drought Stress

Figure 1

Downregulation of ta-siRNAs and TAS precursors in plants under drought and high-salinity stress. (a) Relative number of ta-siRNA sequences obtained by 454 DNA sequencing of cDNA libraries prepared from small RNAs. Orange, blue, and red boxes represent the relative number of TAS1 ta-siRNA, TAS2 ta-siRNA,and TAS3 ta-siRNA, respectively. (b) Relative expression of TAS precursors was analyzed using previous data from a tiling array [3]. Two-week-old Arabidopsis plants were subjected to drought (2 hr, 10 hr), cold (2 hr, 10 hr), and high-salinity (2 hr, 10 hr) (see Section 2). (c)PCR primer sets (Supplemental Table 1) spanning miRNA cleavage site were designed to determine the expression profiles of TAS precursors. RNA samples were isolated from drought (2 hr, 10 hr), cold (2 hr, 10 hr), and high-salinity (2 hr, 10 hr) treated wild-type plants and nonstress controls. Expression of TAS precursors was analyzed by semiquantitative RT-PCR.