Clinical Study

Stereotactic Radiosurgery with Neoadjuvant Embolization of Larger Arteriovenous Malformations: An Institutional Experience

Table 4

Total (%) No. w/residual AVM (%) No. w/100% obliteration (%) value

Sex, (%) 0.396
 M 412151.20%2048.80%
 F 543666.70%1833.30%

Age, (%) 0.795
 0–21 181055.60%844.40%
 22–40 yrs 322165.60%1134.40%
 40–50 yrs 221463.60%836.40%
 50+ 231252.20%1147.80%

Location 0.252
 Frontal 191473.70%526.30%
 Temporal 241354.20%1145.80%
 Parietal 261246.20%1453.80%
 Occipital 9787.80%222.20%
 Cerebellum 8450%450%
 Thalamus, brainstem 9787.80%222.20%

Size, (%) 0.022
 Medium (3–6 cm) 804455%3645%
 Large (>6 cm) 151386.70%213.30%

Venous drainage, (%) <0.001
 Superficial 441840.90%2659.10%
 Deep 513976.50%1223.50%

Smoker? (%) 0.664
 Y 352057.10%1542.90%
 N 603761.70%2338.30%

Hypertension? (%) 0.669
 Y 181161.10%738.90%
 N 774659.70%3140.30%