Clinical Study

Patients with Poor Response to Antipsychotics Have a More Severe Pattern of Frontal Atrophy: A Voxel-Based Morphometry Study of Treatment Resistance in Schizophrenia

Table 2

Regional gray matter differences across the three groups.

Resp-SC < NVNonResp-SC < NVNonResp-SC < Resp-SC

Postcentral gyrusLeft2.220.8
Precentral gyrusLeft1.50.61.4
Superior frontal gyrus, dorsolateralLeft2.41.60.9
Middle frontal gyrusLeft3.
Precentral gyrusRight10.8
Rolandic operculumRight0.50.5
Middle Frontal gyrusRight2.22.20.6
Inferior frontal gyrus, opercular partRight1.11
Inferior frontal gyrus, triangular partRight0.70.6

Volumes (in cc) of the clusters of significant gray matter differences (less than 1 false-positive cluster expected) across the three groups of patients at ANCOVA (omnibus test) and at the three post-hoc tests.
Localization is according to Tzourio-Mazoyer, et al. [24].
Structures involved for less than 0.5 cc are not listed.
NV: Normal Volunteers.
NonResp-SC: Non-Responder schizophrenia patients.
Resp-SC: Responder schizophrenia patients.