Research Article

Comparative Metagenomic Analysis of Human Gut Microbiome Composition Using Two Different Bioinformatic Pipelines

Table 1

Summary of the taxonomic assignment data and of the algorithms available to obtain them in the MG-RAST and QIIME tools.

Postfiltering reads*Total distinct bacteria Families Bacteria families with >100 sequencesAvailable taxonomic assignment algorithmsDefault available 16S rRNA databases±

MG-RAST35,2327027BLATGreengenes, LSU, SSU, M5RNA, RDP, no custom databases

QIIME38,81312330Rdp, Blast, Mothur, Rtax Greengenes, custom databases

Number of reads obtained after the quality filtering step by the two bioinformatic pipelines; number of distinct bacteria Families identified, as total number and as the most represented Families with more than 100 sequences; taxonomy assignment algorithms available for both tools; ±16S rRNA databases available for both tools.