Review Article

Cardioprotection: A Review of Current Practice in Global Ischemia and Future Translational Perspective

Table 2

Definitions of low output syndrome (LOS) used in 34 trials. Adapted from [13].

Definitions of LOS

Requirement of inotropes for >30 minutes or IABP for maintenance of blood pressure >80 mm Hg
The need for inotropic and/or IABP assistance to maintain the systolic BP at a level >90 mm Hg for at least 30 minutes in the ICU
Requirement for inotropic agents or IABP for hypotension
Use of inotropic agents or IABP assistance for hypotension
CI <2.01 L/min/m2 and the need for dopamine (>4 g/min/kg), dobutamine, or adrenaline administration for >30 minutes or IABP
CI <2 L/m2 despite PAWP ≥15 mm Hg, dopamine in a dose of 3–4.9 μg/kg/min, and, if required, adrenaline in a dose of 0.02–0.10 μg/kg/min
Unusual need of inotropic (>6 U dopamine) or mechanical (IABP/VAD) support to maintain the normal CO of the patient  
(normal CO 4–8 L/min)
CI <2.1 L/min/m2
Systolic BP <90 mm Hg and mixed venous oxygen saturation <60% despite adequate preload and afterload