Review Article

Role of Lectin-Like Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein-1 in Fetoplacental Vascular Dysfunction in Preeclampsia

Figure 2

Preeclampsia and LOX-1. In a normal pregnancy adequate trophoblast invasion produces spiral arteries in saccular without a muscular layer, whereby the placental bed is a set of high flow and low resistance. However, in preeclampsia the uteroplacental blood flow was reduced due to an incomplete trophoblast invasion that generates a high strength and low blood flow. Under this condition, placentation arterial lesions were subsequently produced inducing an inflammatory condition, thus increasing perfusion deficit and oxidative stress. In normal pregnancy, lower levels of LOX-1 were found expressed in cells that are part of the trophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast. On the other hand, in preeclampsia LOX-1 levels increase significantly, which may be responsible for the generation of high levels of ROS and decreased levels of NO.