Research Article

The Impact of Low Muscle Mass Definition on the Prevalence of Sarcopenia in Older Australians

Table 2

The prevalence of low muscle mass and low grip strength in the North West Adelaide Health Study (NWAHS) and Florey Adelaide Male Ageing Study (FAMAS) based upon dual absorptiometry X-ray assessments of appendicular skeletal muscle mass.

Low grip strength ( %) Low SMI ( %)Low SMI ( %)Low SMI ( %)
EWGSOP Criteria [6]<2 SD below mean of younger reference group (FAMAS and NWAHS) (Table 1)Gender specific lowest 20% of study group (FAMAS and NWAHS)Residuals of linear regression on appendicular lean mass adjusted for fat and height (FAMAS and NWAHS)

Cut-offs<30 Kg<6.89 Kg/m2<7.36 Kg/m2<−2.15 Kg
65 −< 80 78 (14.4)38 (7.0)92 (17.0)101 (18.7)
80+ 32 (45.1)9 (12.7)29 (40.8)21 (29.6)

Total 65+ 110 (18.0)44 (7.2) 121 (19.8)122 (20)

NWAHS female
Cutoffs<20.0 Kg<4.32 Kg/m2<5.81 Kg/m2<−1.42 Kg
65 −<80 105 (33.5)0 (0)56 (17.9)63 (20.1)
80+ 39 (62.9)1 (1.6)18 (29)12 (19.4)

Total 65+ 144 (38.4)1 (1.6)74 (19.7)75 (20)