Research Article

Assessment of Antioxidant Activity of Spray Dried Extracts of Psidium guajava Leaves by DPPH and Chemiluminescence Inhibition in Human Neutrophils

Table 3

Physicochemical characterization of the extractive solution (ES) and of concentrated extract (CE) of P. guajava.

Samples (%) (g/cm3)pH (—)Alcoholic grade (°GL)TF (mg/m db)TP (% m/m db)TT (% m/m db) (µg/mL)

SE3.27 (0.03)0.89 (0.00)5.94 (0.02)7023.55 (0.01)26.29 (0.03)11.31 (0.02)3.94 (0.10)
CE10.7 (0.12)0.93 (0.00)4.90 (0.07)022.52 (0.01)23.17 (0.07)12.61 (0.10)3.34 (0.11)

: concentration of solids; : density; TF: total flavonoids; TP: total polyphenols; TT: total tannins; db: dry base; antioxidant activity by the DPPH method, expressed as IC50. Values are presented as the mean (standard deviation).