Research Article

Snapback Primer Mediated Clamping PCR for Detection of EGFR and KRAS Mutations in NSCLC Patients by High Resolution Melting Analysis

Figure 4

Enrichment efficiency of sequencing with SPACE-PCR. Mutant and wild samples were mixed into different ratio from 1/20 to 1/10000. After SPACE-PCR and normal PCR, detect EGFR E746-A750 del and KRAS exon 2, codon 13 (1-G>A) by DNA sequencing. In the figures of EGFR 19 del, after SPACE-PCR, 1/10000 mutant is detected, while the normal PCR is just 1/10. To point mutations, as KRAS detected here, 1/10 sensitivity is improved to be 5/1000 by SPACE-PCR.