Research Article

Elastase and Cathepsin G from Primed Leukocytes Cleave Vascular Endothelial Cadherin in Hemodialysis Patients

Figure 3

Levels of elastase and cathepsin G in HD and NC plasma. Proteins of plasma samples depleted from albumin and immunoglobulins of NC subjects and HD patient were separated on SDS-PAGE followed by western blot analysis. (a) A representative western blot of elastase and cathepsin G. Bands were visible at 30 kDa (inhibitor unbound) and higher M.W complexes of 40, 50, and 70 kDa in NC and HD plasma. ((b), (c)) Densities of unbound elastase and cathepsin G (30 kDa) from NC subjects and HD patients’ plasma relative to commercial enzymes bands ( HD versus NC; ). (d) A negative correlation between plasma elastase levels of NC (●) and HD (▲) and the expression of their PMNL membrane CD11b measured in whole blood ( ; ). (e) A negative correlation between plasma cathepsin G levels of NC (●) and HD (▲) and the expression of their PMNL membrane CD11b measured in whole blood ( ; ).