Research Article

A Single Imaging Modality in the Diagnosis, Severity, and Prognosis of Pulmonary Embolism

Table 3

Comparison of CT findings and echocardiographic right ventricular dysfunction.

RV dysfunction (+)
PASP > 30 mmHg
RV dysfunction (−)
PASP ≤ 30 mmHg

SABP <0.001
RV/LV diameter*<0.001
Pulmonary infarct&27 (20.14%)14 (30.43%)0.159
Pleural effusion&51 (38.05%)17 (36.95%)1.00
IVC reflux&65 (48.50%)25 (54.34%)0.608
ICU admission&42 (31.34%)1 (2.17%)<0.001
30th day mortality&19 (14.17%)0 (0%)0.004

Mean ± SD.
Number (percentage) of patients.
SABP: systemic arterial blood pressure, PASP: pulmonary artery systolic pressure, PAOI: pulmonary arterial obstruction index, RV/LV: right ventricular/left ventricular, IVC: inferior vena cava, PAd: pulmonary artery diameter, and ICU: intensive care unit.