Review Article

The Functional Role of MnSOD as a Biomarker of Human Diseases and Therapeutic Potential of a New Isoform of a Human Recombinant MnSOD

Figure 1

Transmission electron microscopy of LSA cells. Immunogold method: 15 NM colloidal gold antibody, (a) Low magnification of three LSA cells showing the contact among them and the secretion vesicles containing LSA-MnSOD (arrow head) Scale bar (in D): 150 nm. (b) Note the clustered colloidal gold particles in the secretion vesicles and in RER of LSA cell (arrows). Scale bar (in D): 450 nm. (c) Detail of LSA cell showing LSA-MnSOD (demonstrated by the colloidal gold particles) in Golgi vesicles (arrow head) and in mitochondria too (arrow). Scale bar (in D): 450 nm. (d) TEM section of LSA cell without osmium tetroxide to preserve immunogenicity. Immunoreaction for LSA-MnSOD revealed by 15 nm colloidal gold. Note the abundance of colloidal gold particles in the secretory vesicles. Scale bar: 45 nm.