Research Article

Mechanical Stress Stimulates the Osteo/Odontoblastic Differentiation of Human Stem Cells from Apical Papilla via ERK 1/2 and JNK MAPK Pathways

Figure 2

Effects of mechanical stress on the morphology of SCAPs in vitro. (a) Untreated SCAPs at day 7. (b) Mechanical stress-treated SCAPs at day 7. (c) TEM analysis showed that untreated SCAPs at day 7 presented the typical ultrastructural features of stem cells, that is, higher nuclear-plasma ratio (N/P ratio) and immature cytoplasmic organelles. (d) Mechanical stress-treated SCAPs at day 7 contained less organelles in the cytoplasm including the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and mitochondria (M). (a), (b) Scale bars = 100μm; (c), (d) Scale bars = 2μm.