Research Article

The Association between Autoantibodies and Peripheral Neuropathy in Lupus Nephritis

Table 2

Symptoms of neuropathy among SLE-LN patients with peripheral neuropathy and without diabetes.

Symptoms of neuropathy
( )
Autonomic neuropathy
( )δ
Mixed sensory-motor polyneuropathy
( )γ
Sensory polyneuropathy
( )

Burning sensation ( )021
Sharp and electric pain ( )020
Extreme sensitivity to touch ( )110
Numbness on four extremities ( )161
Muscle weakness or paralysis ( )150
Bladder symptoms ( )010
Functional GI problems ( )251

GI: gastrointestinal.
Note: functional GI problems include gastroesophageal reflux disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and idiopathic chronic constipation.
δTwo patients had the symptoms of numbness and functional GI problems.
γOne patient had overlapping bladder problem and numbness, three patients had overlapping functional GI problems and numbness, one patient had overlapping burning pain and electric-like pain, one patient had overlapping numbness and extreme sensitivity to touch, one patient had overlapping burning pain and numbness, one patient had overlapping electric-like pain and numbness, and one patient had overlapping functional GI with muscle weakness.
One patient had combination symptoms of numbness and functional GI problems.