Research Article

A Participatory Approach to Develop the Power Mobility Screening Tool and the Power Mobility Clinical Driving Assessment Tool

Table 8

Essential EPW driving tasks suggested by expert EPW users.

Indoor skills
(1) Carrying out skills in reverse direction (doorways, navigating around objects)
 (a) Driving backwards in various environments
(2) Navigating around objects (couches, chairs, tables)
 (a) Knowing where people are
 (b) Knowing where tables and chairs are
 (c) Navigating in crowded environments
(3) Negotiating tight doorways
 (a) Navigating in narrow hallways and doorways (just wide enough for chair)
(4) Turning around in tight places (elevators)
(5) Parking next to transfer stations (bed, toilet)
(6) Speed control
(7) Paying attention to corners
(8) Paying attention to areas with stairs
(9) Opening and entering a door with an auto-closer
(10) Navigating over wet tile (hydroplaning)

Outdoor skills
(1) Looking everywhere before moving
(2) Always staying to one side of the hallway or sidewalk
(3) Combinations of skills (starting and stopping on ramps, etc.)
 (a) Driving up and down steep grades
 (b) Boarding public buses
(4) Turning around on cross slopes
 (a) Driving straight on cross slopes
(5) Navigating ramps
(6) Driving on rough terrain (broken sidewalks, gravel, brick)
 (a) Paying attention to bumps and edges
 (b) Maintaining desired driving route on uneven ground such as cobblestone, brick, and gravel
 (c) Climbing over obstacles (uneven curb cuts, sidewalks, small curbs)
(7) Starting and stopping quickly
 (a) Speed control
 (b) Ability to stop fast

Indoor skills for moderate drivers
(1) Navigating around objects
(2) Negotiating doorways
 (a) Driving in ADA accessible hallways and doorways
 (b) Opening, passing through, and closing a door
 (c) Entering and exiting elevator and turning around inside as necessary
(3) Parking next to a transfer area (bed, toilet, mat table)
 (a) Pulling under or up to side of table/counter
 (b) Parking in desired space for transfer
(4) Turning around in open space
(5) Object avoidance
 (a) Speed control
 (b) Paying attention to corners
 (c) Paying attention to areas with stairs
 (d) Knowing where people are
 (e) Knowing where tables and chairs are