Research Article

Aetiology of Bacteraemia as a Risk Factor for Septic Shock at the Onset of Febrile Neutropaenia in Adult Cancer Patients

Table 3

Univariate analysis of the risk factors for septic shock (SS) at the time of febrile neutropenia (FN) in hospitalised cancer patients.

VariableSS group ( )Non-SS group ( )OR (95% CI) value

Age, years, mean ± SD 1.00 (0.96–1.04)0.87
Female sex10 (58.8)42 (42.8)1.90 (0.66–5.41)0.22
Haematological neoplasm13 (76.4)83 (84.6)0.58 (0.16–2.04)0.40
Relapsing underlying disease10 (58.8)49 (50.0)1.42 (0.50–4.05)0.50
Clinical comorbidity2 (11.7)34 (34.6)0.25 (0.05–1.16)0.07
High-dose chemotherapy regimens*5 (29.4)47 (47.9)0.45 (0.14–1.38)0.16
Oral mucositis
 Grade I4 (23.5)29 (29.5)0.76 (0.21–2.71)0.68
 Grade II2 (11.7)8 (8.1)1.38 (0.25–7.63)0.70
 Grade III1 (5.8)5 (5.1)1.11 (0.11–10.66)0.92
 Grade IV1 (5.8)6 (6.1)0.92 (0.09–8.63)0.94
ANC at the time of diagnosis of FN, mean ± SD 0.99 (0.99–1.00)0.36
Profound neutropenia at the time of diagnosis of FN9 (52.9)43 (43.8)1.43 (0.51–4.04)0.49
BSI involving Gram-positive bacteria6 (39.2)40 (40.8)0.79 (0.27–2.31)0.66
BSI involving Gram-negative bacteria14 (82.3)60 (61.2)2.96 (0.79–10.97)0.10
Polymicrobial BSI5 (29.4)7 (7.1)5.41 (1.48–19.79)0.01
MDR BSI4 (23.5)34 (34.6)0.57 (0.17–1.91)0.37
BSI involving Gram-positive MDR bacteria3 (17.6)24 (24.4)0.66 (0.17–2.49)0.54
BSI involving Gram-negative MDR bacteria1 (5.8)11 (11.2)0.49 (0.05–4.09)0.51
BSI by Escherichia coli 11 (64.7)37 (37.7)3.02 (1.03–8.85)0.04
BSI by coagulase-negative staphylococci4 (23.5)32 (32.6)0.63 (0.19–2.10)0.45
BSI by Klebsiella pneumoniae 3 (17.6)10 (10.2)1.88 (0.46–7.70)0.37
BSI by Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2 (11.7)9 (9.1)1.31 (0.25–6.70)0.73
BSI by viridans streptococci3 (17.6)5 (5.1)3.98 (0.85–18.54)0.07

Data presented as (%) unless otherwise indicated. ANC: Absolute neutrophil count; BSI: bloodstream infection; HSCT: haematopoietic stem cell transplantation; MDR: multidrug-resistant; OR: odds ratio; 95% CI: 95% confidence interval; SD: standard deviation. *Induction chemotherapy or HSCT; ANC < 100 cells/mm³.