Research Article

TolC Promotes ExPEC Biofilm Formation and Curli Production in Response to Medium Osmolarity

Table 3

Antimicrobial susceptibility of the experimental strains.

MIC (μg mL−1)

tolC 45124512>512464≤164832
Cm-tolC 16>512128>512>51264512N.D.256256≥1024

AMI: amikacin; GEN: gentamycin; ERY: erythromycin; STR: streptomycin; AMP: ampicillin; FLO: florfenicol; NOR: norfloxacin; CHL: chloramphenicol; TET: tetracycline; CIP: ciprofloxacin; SDS: sodium dodecyl sulfonate.
N.D.: not determined because the Cm-tolC strain has plasmid pHSG-tolC with the gene resistant to chloramphenicol.