Research Article

Oral and Intraperitoneal Administration of Quercetin Decreased Lymphocyte DNA Damage and Plasma Lipid Peroxidation Induced by TSA In Vivo

Figure 5

Effects quercetin (Q) or quercetin-3-glucuronide (Q3G) on the growth (a) or intracellular β-glucuronidase activity (b) of A549 cells exposed to trichostatin A (TSA) or not. To determine cell growth, the cells were incubated with TSA (25 ng/mL), 5 μM Q, or Q3G alone or combined for 72 h. Meanwhile, the cells were incubated with 5 μM Q or Q3G only for 1 or 4 h to study the intracellular β-glucuronidase activity which was assayed by determining the formation of phenolphthalein after incubation of cell lysates with phenolphthalein monoglucuronides. Values (means ± SD, ) not sharing a common letter are significantly different ( ).