Review Article

Does Intraoperative Ulinastatin Improve Postoperative Clinical Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

Table 1

Characteristics of included trials.

Studies Mean age Type of surgeryCPB time (min)InterventionPrimary endpointsJadad Score

Mishima et al., 1990 [23]2057.8CABG155163Grp1: 5000 U/kg i.v. drip before CPB ) Grp 2: Placebo ( )ET, OI, PMNE 101

Sato et al., 2000 [31]1565CABG, repair of VSD, ASD155191Grp1: 600,000 U into priming solution, 300,000 U i.v. drip before removal of aortic clamping, 150,000 U i.v. drip Bid for 5 days ( ) Grp 2: blank ( )Complication rate, IL-6, IL-8, PMNE211

Ren et al., 2003 [24]206.7repair of VSD, ASDNot statedGrp1: 6000 U/kg into priming fluid and 6000 U/kg i.v. before aorta cannulation ( ) Grp2: Placebo ( )Complication rate, cTnI, CKMB111

Wang et al., 2005 [26]3035.9valve surgery68.282.1Grp1: 10,000 U/kg into primary solution and 10,000 U/kg i.v. before CPB ( ) Grp2: Placebo ( )Complication rate, OI, TNF- , PMNE101

Nakanishi et al., 2006 [29]3062CABG150135Grp1: 5000 U/kg i.v. before aortic cannulation ( ) Grp 2: Placebo ( )Complication rate, ICU stay, OI, CI, ET, cTnI, CKMB, IL-6, IL-8221

Bingyang et al., 2007 [30]3057.4CABG108117Grp1: 300,000 U i.v. before CPB, 300,000 U i.v. before aortic clamping release, 400,000 U i.v. after protamine ( ) Grp 2: Placebo ( )Complication rate, ICU stay, ET, PMNE, IL-8, TNF- , IL-6101

Wang et al., 2007 [25]2457CABGNo CPBGrp 1: 6000 U/kg i.v. after induction of anesthesia and 1000 U·kg−1·h−1 i.v. to the end of operation ( ) Grp 2: Placebo ( )ET, cTnI220

Li et al., 2007 [34]2452.5valve surgery91.397.2Grp 1: 50,000 U/kg i.v. Q 12 h for postop. 3 days ( ) Grp 2: Placebo ( )ICU stay, ET, OI, CI, IL-6, IL-8, TNF- 201

Jiang et al., 2008 [22]583.3repair of VSD and ASD5258Grp 1: 20,000 U/kg into the prime solution ( ) Grp 2: Placebo ( )ICU stay, ET, OI, IL-6, IL-8, TNF- 201

Song et al., 2011 [33]4854valve surgery170172Grp1: 5000 U/kg i.v. before aortic cross clamping ( ) Grp 2: Placebo ( )Complication rate, ICU stay, ET, cTnI, CKMB221

Tu and Ming 2011 [32]303.6repair of VSD and ASD7670Grp1: 5000 U/kg i.v. drip Tid for 3 days ( ) Grp2: blank ( )Hospital mortality, complication rate, IL-6, TNF- , cTnI201

Zhang and Qin 2012 [27]6062.8CABG,
valve surgery
9895Grp1: 150,000 U i.v. drip after induction of anesthesia and 150,000 U i.v. drip after CPB ( ) Grp 2: Placebo ( )Hospital mortality, complication rate, ICU stay, ET, CKMB, cTnI211

Oh et al., 2012 [28]6067valve surgery9996Grp1: 300,000 U i.v. drip after induction of anesthesia, 400,000 U into CPB prime solution, and 300,000 U after weaning from CPB ( ) Grp 2: Placebo ( )ICU stay, ET, CKMB, CI221

Chong et al., 2013 [36]3654.8aortic arch replacement235.5247.2Grp1: 20,000 U/kg i.v. drip in total: 1/3 after anesthesia induction, 1/3 before aortic cross-clamp, and 1/3 after aortic clamp release ( ) Grp 2: Placebo ( )Hospital mortality, complication rate, ICU stay, ET, IL-6, IL8, PMNE, TNF- 220

Song et al., 2013 [35] 2458valve repair150139Grp1: 5,000 U/kg i.v. drip after the opening of a pericardium ( ) Grp 2: Placebo ( )ET, OI, CI, cTnI, CKMB, IL-6, TNF- 221

CABG: coronary artery bypass graft, VSD: ventricular septal defect, ASD: atrial septal defect, CPB: cardiopulmonary bypass, UTI: urinary trypsin inhibitor, Grp: group, postop.: postoperative, Bid: twice a day, Tid: three times a day, i.v.: intravenous, ET: extubation time, OI: oxygenation index, PMNE: polymorphonuclear neutrophil elastase, IL-6: interleukin-6, IL-8: interleukin-8, cTnI: cardiac troponin-I, CK-MB: creatine kinase MB isoenzyme, TNF- : tumor necrosis factor-alpha, CI: cardiac index.