Research Article

Blood Donation, Being Asian, and a History of Iron Deficiency Are Stronger Predictors of Iron Deficiency than Dietary Patterns in Premenopausal Women

Table 2

Results of stepwise multiple logistic regression identifying determinants of suboptimal iron status.

VariableORa95.0% CI for OR value

Any blood donation in the past year6.002.81, 12.82<0.001
Asian ethnicity 4.842.29, 10.20<0.001
Previous iron deficiency2.191.16, 4.130.016
Milk and yoghurt dietary pattern (SD)1.441.08, 1.930.012
Duration of menstrual period (d)1.381.12, 1.680.002
Meat and vegetable dietary pattern (SD) having children0.170.08, 0.39<0.001

Change in odds of suboptimal iron status occurring for each unit change in determinant variable. If >1.0, as determinant variable increases, odds of suboptimal iron status increase. If <1.0, as determinant variable increases, odds of suboptimal iron status decrease.
(Hosmer and Lemeshow), 0.19 (Cox and Snell), and 0.31 (Nagelkerke). Model .
CI: confidence interval; d: days; OR: odds ratio; SD: standard deviation.