Research Article

Plasmid Transfer of Plasminogen K1-5 Reduces Subcutaneous Hepatoma Growth by Affecting Inflammatory Factors

Figure 6

Antiproliferative and proapoptotic effects of pK1-5 in murine subcutaneous tumours: (a) tumour development after treatment with NaCl ( = 5), DOTAP ( = 6), pMock ( = 6), or pK1-5 ( = 5). 106 Hepa129 were injected subcutaneously into the paramedian hind of male C3H mice. Treatment was started when tumours reached a mean volume of 150 mm3 with subcutaneous injections every second day. Tumour size was measured every second day using a caliper and volumes were calculated as = length (width)2   0,52. Data are presented as the mean tumour volume in mm3 ± SEM. (b) Mitosis in Ki67 immunostained sections. Tumour sections were immunostained against Ki67 and counterstained with hematoxyline. Mitotic cells were counted per hpf ( = 16). Data are shown as mitotic cells ± SEM. < 0.05 (compared to NaCl), < 0.05 (compared to DOTAP), < 0.05 (compared to pMock). (c) Exemplary photomicrographs of animals treated with NaCl, DOTAP, pMock, pK1-5. Mitotic cells show a brown nuclear staining.