Research Article

Collagen-Glycosaminoglycan Matrix Implantation Promotes Angiogenesis following Surgical Brain Trauma

Figure 6

Proliferative endothelial cells defined by anti-endothelial cell antibody (RECA)1+/Ki67+ immunoreactivity in the lesion boundary zone (LBZ) of surgical brain trauma with collagen-glycosaminoglycan matrix implantation on day 14 (D14). Representative photomicrographs (merged images) of immunofluorescence staining of representative brain sections from Sham (a), L (b) and L+CG (c) rats on D14 following surgical trauma. Immunoreactivity of RECA1 (red) which stains endothelial cells, and Ki67 (green), which stains proliferating cells. DAPI (diamidino-2-phenylindole) (blue), a classic nuclear counterstain for immunofluorescence. Scale bars in (a–c) represent 75 μm. (d-e) Numbers of RECA1+ cells (which represents endothelial cells), Ki67+ cells (proliferative cells), and RECA1+/Ki67+ (proliferative endothelial cells) from brains of the Sham, L, and L+CG groups on D7, D14, D21, and D28 after surgery in the LBZ. Data are the mean ± SD. , and , Lesion (L) and L+CG groups versus Sham group; +, ++ and +++, L versus L+CG.